Friday, November 9, 2012

Barbara Schoenoff

I am very pleased to announce that Barbara Schoenoff will be one of our teachers for the first MAD - Magical Art Dolls conference!

When considering teachers for a conference about magical dolls, Barbara was the first teacher to come to my mind. She's tied with Diane Little for my personal favorite teacher.  I love her dolls. I love the whimsy of them (Her pattern line is appropriately titled "Whimsy."), the way they come together even for students with little experience. I have made more of Barbara's dolls than any other pattern maker. I get so much challenge and joy out of putting one together. Putting together one of her patterns reminds me of what I love most as a doll maker -- working with cloth. I branch out into mix media and experiment with other mediums, but every so often I just need to come back to cloth.

One of the highlights of Barbara as teacher is her fabulous costumes. Here her expertise and experience in costume design just shines through. From the magnificence of her Marie Antoinette:

or the poise of Temple Dancer:
Temple Dancer is an online class taught at
Barbara's dolls never fail to delight.  She teaches techniques on armature, sculpting, face and body as well. She was the first teacher to help me as a new doll maker really understand the mechanics of face sculpting.

One of Barbara's dolls in progress during her last visit to Tulsa, October 2011.

I very much look forward to the piece she will be teaching at MAD.

For a look at some of Barbara's wonderful dolls, you can check out her patterns at:
Dollmaker's Journey

And if you are looking to try out one of Barbara's delightful patterns, may I recommend "Blooms" featured at Dollmaker's Journey.

Please "like" us on Facebook at MAD - Magical Art Doll Conference.

I hope to see you in 2013!

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