Friday, November 16, 2012

Jessica Hamilton

And our third teacher will be Jessica Hamilton!  I discovered Jessica Hamilton's wonderful Doll Project thanks to Tulsa Dolling Dames member Shauna Henry.  What struck me first was that she calls herself a "creative engineer."  That is awesome!

Jessica shares many techniques and patterns for free through her monthly newsletter.  It's well worth signing up for by email!  As someone who is enjoying Steampunk art in dollmaking, her google pattern is FABULOUS.  I wish I had it while making my Steampunk Maggie. 

Jessica's art is very unique and eclectic, with ball jointed dolls, polymer clay, apoxi sculpt pieces. Also, she has a gift for those all important doll accessory items: wigs and shoes.

Also, be sure to check out her Flickr: dollproject's Photostream for a look at her art dolls, costumes for dolls, and online tutorials she teaches.  I think my favorite is a piece she calls "Math Love Detail" made from polymer clay and ultra suede. Also, check out  "Water Under the Bridge" a beautiful piece from polymer clay and apoxi sculpt.

Jessica will also be teaching two classes - a two day class and a one day class.

I am so excited to have her join us!  Hope to see you as well!


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