Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Linda Misa

I am very excited to announce that Linda Misa will be a teacher at the first MAD - Magical Art Dolls conference in Tulsa, October 11-13, 2013.  Have you saved the date?

Linda is a textile artist and doll maker who lives in Bunbury, Australia. You can visit her blog, Tact-ilse at and sign up for a free online class and see her many lovely pieces. I am particularly fond of her cloth and clay dolls "love you" and "she dreamed."  They have such lovely facial expressions!

She is also currently teaching a couple of online classes at Doll Street Dreamers including a needle felting class and image collage class. There is also a free pin doll pattern by Linda: "Love, Faith & Peace."

For us, Linda will be teaching two classes -- a two day and one day class.  I don't want to tell you too much, because everything is in the planning stage and well, things happen. In fact, with me, things always happen.

I got to skype with Linda on Sunday and let me just say, she is a lovely person. I can't believe we are so lucky to have her coming! Special thanks and shout out to Stephanie Novatski  who told me Linda was planning to come to the US next year and I should email her.

Meanwhile, check out Linda's blog.  :-)


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